Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hello - Yes, I'm Still Her

I have been gone quite some time.  I've had some health issues, but I also was without a computer for quite some time.  My sweet son Cole gave me his old Mac when he got his new one so now I'm back in business.  I hope to get some cards photographed and posted soon.  Please look for them in the next few days.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

New Cards

Here is a card I made at my day away.  Love this lamb. So cute.  Went to a crop at Daisy Lane Scrapbooking store in Mattoon.  It was fabulous.  We were there from 9-7.  There were snacks throughout the day and they served lunch.  We had a great day.  Looking forward to it again.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hi Everyone

Have some new cards to post.  I went to a day away a few weeks ago and got about 17 cards done.  Will be posting a couple a day after my camera charges.  Keep checking back.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Have you been Poshed lately?

Perfectly Posh is all about pampering yourself.  All products are $25.00 or less and they are heavenly.  I love the producs so much that I decided to become an independent consultant.  What I like about their products is that they are all natural.  Since I had a cancerous tumor removed from the roof of my mouth I am more conscious of what I put on and in my body. 

Their skin cleansing products are amazing.  Since using Posh my skin feels so much more supple.  I also love their bath bars and body butters.  My favorite is Brazilian Bombshell.  It is a light and nourishing cocoa butter and brasil nut oil hydrate, while babassu oil soothes and protects skin, with the sweet smell of jungle fruits and sugar cane with a nutty twist.  LOVE IT!

If you want to be pampered and want to earn free product, send me an email at or visit my website at  If you book a book party and get $200 or more you will get a basket of product worth $50 or more. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Card

Wow, what a challenge using a new computer with a new operating system.  But, I finally figured it out.  I cased this card, but changed it somewhat to make it my own.  I used a different embossing folder and added flocking to the mustache and eyebrows.  Hope you all like it.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

I Finally Have My Computer Fixed

The last time I posted I thought I would be posting some pictures of my cards; however, my computer started acting up.  Unfortunately, it is a brand new Lenovo computer so I had no idea how to get it working.  I think the grandkids downloaded a virus.  My daughter-in-law, Nikki reset it back to factory settings and it appears to be working well.  I am working on my Christmas card.  As soon as I have one done I will be posting a picture.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  Mine was quite busy.  I had 23 people, but I am thankful for each and everyone one that was there.  It was a blessed day.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hello All

I've been gone for quite awhile so I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on with me.  I am going to Chicago to see a specialist to get a new prosthesis (mouth piece).  The one I had made and which cost $2,200 does not fit correctly.  For those that may not know I had a cancerous tumor removed from the roof of my mouth and I now need the mouth piece to talk and eat, so it is pretty important to make sure it fits correctly.

The second thing going on in my life is that my son Josh and his fiancée Nikki and their 5 kids have moved in with us temporarily.  They bought a house here in Colfax that needs some renovation.  They wanted the kids enrolled in school here so we decided the best bet was to have them move in with us temporarily.  Oh yes, and let us not forget their 3 dogs, one of which is a Rottweiler.  So my house is kind of crazy right now.  I don't always have time to sit and craft. 

I do have some cards that I need to get photographed and posted.  Hopefully, I will get that done here soon and get back in the swing of things.